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Nos derniers articles


Applications aux satellites

Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Kiley, A., Watt, M., Simplicio, P., & Ankersen, F. (2023). Robust monolithic versus distributed control/structure co-optimization of flexible space systems in presence of parametric uncertainties. ESA GNC 2023.

Sanfedino, F., Thiébaud, G., Alazard, D., Guercio, N., & Deslaef, N. (2022). Advances in fine line-of-sight control for large space flexible structures. Aerospace Science and Technology, 130, 107961.

Rodrigues, R., Preda, V., Sanfedino, F., & Alazard, D. (2022). Modeling, robust control synthesis and worst-case analysis for an on-orbit servicing mission with large flexible spacecraft. Aerospace Science and Technology, 107865.

Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Preda, V., & Oddenino, D. (2022). Integrated modeling of microvibrations induced by Solar Array Drive Mechanism for worst-case end-to-end analysis and robust disturbance estimation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163, 108168.

Finozzi, A., Sanfedino, F., & Alazard, D. (2022). Parametric sub-structuring models of large space truss structures for structure/control co-design. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 180, 109427.

Sanfedino, F., Preda, V., Pommier-Budinger, V., Alazard, D., Boquet, F., & Bennani, S. (2020). Robust active mirror control based on hybrid sensing for spacecraft line-of-sight stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 29(1), 220-235.

Sanfedino, F. (2019). Experimental validation of a high accuracy pointing system (Doctoral dissertation, Toulouse, ISAE).

Gonzalez, J. A. P., Pittet, C., Alazard, D., & Loquen, T. (2016). Integrated control/structure design of a large space structure using structured hinfinity control. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(17), pp-296.

Murali, H. H. S., Alazard, D., Massotti, L., Ankersen, F., & Toglia, C. (2015). Mechanical-attitude controller co-design of large flexible space structures. In Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control (pp. 659-678). Springer, Cham.

Alazard, D., Loquen, T., De Plinval, H., & Cumer, C. (2013). Avionics/Control co-design for large flexible space structures. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conference (p. 4638).

La boîte à outils SDTlib

Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Kassarian, E., & Somers, F. (2023). Satellite Dynamics Toolbox Library: a tool to model multi-body space systems for robust control synthesis and analysisarXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15872.

Courie, I., Sanfedino, F., & Alazard, D. (2021). Worst-Case Pointing Performance Analysis for Large Flexible Spacecraft. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.01893.

Alazard, D., & Sanfedino, F. (2020, January). Satellite dynamics toolbox for preliminary design phase. In 43rd Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference (Vol. 30, pp. 1461-1472).

Satellite Dynamics Toolbox library (SDTlib) – User’s Guide and tutoral/demo version.

Cadre théorique

Alazard, D., Finozzi, A., & Sanfedino, F. (2023). Port inversions of parametric Two-Input Two-Output Port models of flexible substructuresMultibody System Dynamics57(3-4), 365-387.

Finozzi, A., Sanfedino, F., & Alazard, D. (2021). Analytical Port Inversion For A Flexible Model In The Two-Input Two-Output Port Approach. In ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics (pp. 159-170). Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Pommier-Budinger, V., Falcoz, A., & Boquet, F. (2018). Finite element based N-Port model for preliminary design of multibody systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 415, 128-146.

Chebbi, J., Dubanchet, V., Perez Gonzalez, J. A., & Alazard, D. (2017). Linear dynamics of flexible multibody systems. Multibody System Dynamics, 41(1), 75-100.

Perez, J. A., Alazard, D., Loquen, T., Pittet, C., & Cumer, C. (2016). Flexible multibody system linear modeling for control using component modes synthesis and double-port approach. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 138(12).

Perez, J. A., Alazard, D., Loquen, T., Cumer, C., & Pittet, C. (2015). Linear dynamic modeling of spacecraft with open-chain assembly of flexible bodies for ACS/structure co-design. In Advances in aerospace guidance, navigation and control (pp. 639-658). Springer, Cham.

Alazard, D., Perez, J. A., Cumer, C., & Loquen, T. (2015). Two-input two-output port model for mechanical systems. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (p. 1778).

Guy, N., Alazard, D., Cumer, C., & Charbonnel, C. (2014). Dynamic modeling and analysis of spacecraft with variable tilt of flexible appendages. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136(2), 021020.

Tantawi, K. H., Alazard, D., & Cumer, C. (2008). Linear dynamic modeling of spacecraft with various flexible appendages. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41(2), 11148-11153.

Dynamique de type pendule multicorps

Kassarian, E., Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Montel, J., & Chevrier, C. A. (2023). Modeling of stratospheric balloons and robust line-of-sight pointing controlCEAS Space Journal, 1-18.

Kassarian, E., Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Montel, J., & Chevrier, C. A. (2022). Robust integrated control/structure co-design for stratospheric balloons. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(25), 13-18.

Kassarian, E., Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Chevrier, C. A., & Montel, J. (2022). Linear Fractional Transformation modeling of multibody dynamics around parameter-dependent equilibrium. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.

Kassarian, E., Sanfedino, F., Alazard, D., Evain, H., & Montel, J. (2021). Modeling and stability of balloon-borne gondolas with coupled pendulum-torsion dynamicsAerospace Science and Technology112, 106607.